Shipdham Pre-School
Providing a welcoming, safe and stimulating environment for children aged 4 and under.
Tel: 01362 822062 or e-mail:
We are extremely proud of our team of qualified, caring and experienced staff. There are always members of staff on duty that are first aid trained. All staff have a current DBS Check and receive Child Protection training. We also have staff trained in special educational needs, sign language and behaviour management.

Manager Position Currently Vacant

Annette Watts - Acting Manager
Certificate in Early Years Practice (level 4)
Diploma in Pre-School Practice (level 3)
Child Protection
First Aid
Safeguarding Lead Practitioner and designated safeguarding lead
Over 25 years experience working in early years
Annette is also enthusiastic about hands on learning outdoors. She has attended a ‘Fresh Air, Freedom and Fun’ course which imparts the value and benefits of outdoor learning and she is also currently undertaking the level 3 Forest School Leader qualification which also includes an advanced first aid course.

Maxine Hinde - Acting Manager
DPP Level 3 Diploma in Preschool Practice
Safeguarding Lead Practitioner
First Aid
SENCO (special educational needs co-ordinator)
ELSA (emotional literacy support assistant)*
Communication Champion accredited to help improve early speech and language.
Elklan level 3 Speech and Language
13 years experience working in early years
*An ELSA is a teaching assistant within an early years, primary, secondary or specialist school who has received training in psychological theory and intervention by qualified psychologists to enable them to plan, deliver and evaluate individual and small group support programmes for children and young people with social, emotional and mental health needs.
Maxine has attended a Signalong course, which is a key word sign-supported communication system based on British sign language and is used in spoken word order. It uses speech, sign, body language, facial expression and voice tone to reference the link between sign and word.
She has also completed Wellcomm Speech Communication assessment training which is used as an evaluation tool within the setting.

Chloe Ramm - Early Years Practitioner
First Aid
Child Protection
Safeguarding Lead Practitioner
Has worked in early years since 2017
Chloe has also completed a Baby Friendly accredited course which promotes baby friendly practice across the Early Years Foundation Stage and the Norfolk Step On course supporting positive behaviour.
In addition, we have some regular bank staff and volunteers and we support students on placements from local colleges and schools.
Upon joining Shipdham Pre-School your child will be allocated a Key Person, who will become your first point of call should you feel the need to discuss any area of your child’s development. Your child’s Key Person is responsible for necessary observations, assessments and record keeping and also helping your child to reach their full potential.